Centreville Study Comments
Centreville Study Comments
Guidance for the Centreville area’s land use and development decisions is under review, and Fairfax County is looking for feedback from those who live in and visit the area. As directed by the Board of Supervisors, county staff has begun to review the Comprehensive Plan for the Centreville Area and Suburban Center, which has not been fully reviewed in more than 25 years.
The Centreville Study aims to advance inclusive community engagement recommendations. With staff analysis and community feedback, the study goals are to identify new Plan priorities, potential opportunities for redevelopment, and/or changes to the Comprehensive Plan. The current Plan for this area covers approximately 2,700 acres and includes recommendations for a wide range of land use topics, like transportation, housing, parks, open space and environmental stewardship.
All who visit and live in the Centreville area are encouraged to share their perspective on the current and future state of the area, using the comment box below. You can also sign up for study updates.
Public feedback will help determine the next steps for the Centreville Study. An initial community survey closed on Sunday, January 28. You can view the survey results the project webpage, along with upcoming community meeting information: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/planning-development/plan-amendments/centreville-study.
Thank you for taking the time to help build a stronger future for Centreville!