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1. What best describes your relationship to Huntington Avenue?

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2. When traveling along Huntington Avenue, how often do you travel by personal vehicle, bus/transit, walking, bicycling or other?

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3. If you walk/bike along or across Huntington Avenue, what is your typical destination? Check all that apply.

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4. Please rate your level of comfort for walking across Huntington Avenue.

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5. Please rate your level of comfort for bicycling along Huntington Avenue.

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6. If conditions for people who walk on or across Huntington Avenue were improved, I would walk more frequently.

Huntington Road Diet
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7. If conditions for people who ride a bicycle on or across Huntington Avenue were improved, I would bike more frequently.

Huntington Road Diet
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8. In your opinion, what are the biggest safety concerns for people walking and bicycling along Huntington Avenue?

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9. Are you in favor of implementing this project?

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10. Please use this space to add any additional comments on the proposed road diet.