Wakefield Tennis and Pickleball Redevelopment Project
Wakefield Tennis and Pickleball Redevelopment Project
The Fairfax County Park Authority is dedicated to expanding and improving diverse recreational opportunities for all residents.
The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) is improving the tennis and pickleball courts at Wakefield Park (8100 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA) to enhance playing conditions and increase dedicated courts for pickleball. Construction is set to begin in April 2025 and will be completed in two phases, with an expected completion date of Fall 2025, weather permitting.
Project Scope & Timeline
Phase 1 (April – July 2025, Weather Permitting)
- Convert Tennis Court 11 into four dedicated pickleball courts
- Renovate Tennis Courts 7 and 8
- Restore Courts 9 and 10 to tennis-only use
- Repair Tennis Courts 1 and 2
- Repair basketball courts (expected completion by late June)
Phase 2 (Summer – Fall 2025, Weather Permitting)
- Convert half of the walled practice court into two additional dedicated pickleball courts
- Preserve the tennis practice wall and courts closest to Courts 9 and 10
- Modify an existing trail and relocate picnic tables
Construction Impact & Access
During construction, Tennis Courts 3, 4, 5, and 6, as well as Pickleball Courts 12 and 13, will remain open for public use. Directional signage will be placed throughout the site to guide visitors to alternative pickleball court access. To ensure public safety, visitors are reminded not to enter designated construction areas. Residents should also anticipate occasional construction traffic near Court 11, with work occurring Monday–Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday–Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Project Benefits
Upon completion, Wakefield Park will feature 10 dedicated tennis courts and 8 dedicated pickleball courts, reducing competition for shared-use courts and better meeting the county’s growing demand for racket sports. The final design was developed in response to community input from the July 9, 2024, public meeting.
Funding & Support
This $300,000 project is funded through the FY 2024 Third Quarter Budget Consideration Item, sponsored by Chairman Jeff McKay and Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw.
For additional information, contact the Public Information Office at Parkmail@fairfaxcounty.gov.
We express our gratitude to the community for your involvement in the consideration of this project. A video recording of the virtual community information meeting held July 9 is published below. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is available here. A report of all public comments received pertaining to this project is available here.
Please note that, pursuant to the Federal Privacy Act, personally identifiable information included in the comments has been redacted.
Virtual Meeting 070924: Wakefield Tennis and Pickleball Court Redevelopment Project
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